Enter the Invisible World!
The Byker Family Story Trail was co-created by Unfolding Theatre and 25 children from Byker and Walker. The stories explore an invisible world that only children know about.
During the summer of 2020, five unique stories were co-created by the Unfolding Theatre Storytellers and children in Byker and Walker. The stories formed part of an interactive Family Story Trail that was accessed via QR codes located around Byker.
You can listen to the stories by clicking the links below:
“An invisible world that only children can see!”
Storytime on Your Doorstep
The Byker Family Story Trail was inspired by the creativity of the children through a series of ‘Storytime on Your Doorstep’ visits.
Dressed in silver raincoats and with a bag packed full of stories, the Unfolding Theatre Storytellers visited the doorsteps, gardens and backyards of families in Byker and Walker during August. Their mission: to tell stories, collect stories and have fun!
The 15 families who took part enjoyed stories from the Storytellers and then used their imagination to improvise and create stories of an invisible world filled with wonderful locations and characters that only children can see.
The children were then given an activity pack so they could continue to create their own short stories and colourful pictures. These stories and pictures will be the inspiration for the unique stories that form the Byker Family Story Trail.
Special thanks to the children for their brilliant ideas, creativity and excitement.
“Fun. Creative. Inspiring.”
Creative Team
Alex Elliott, Luca Rutherford and the children of Byker and Walker
Alex Elliott and Luca Rutherford
Sound & Video Design
Garry Lydon
Project Producer
Michael Barrass
Annie Rigby
Project Engagement Partner
Barnardo’s Byker Sands Family Centre
Made possible with funding from Arts Council England, Well Newcastle Gateshead and Newcastle Cultural Investment Fund.